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[GPS unit resellers] [GPS unit manufacters] [Radio modems for GPS use] [Year 2000 (Non) Problem]

The Global Positioning Systems (GPS) Resource Library

[Spinning Globe Image]

What is the GPS Resource Library?

This is a page of links containing information about the Global Positioning System (GPS) and handheld GPS units. There are links to other GPS information sites, online Internet Mapping Programs, GIS (Geographic Information Services), Grid Overlays, DGPS, GPS resellers, GPS manufacturers, Radio modems for GPS use, and the Year 2000 (Non) Problem.

We are proud to have consistently made the Top Ten GPS sites in the Lycos Community Guide. Check the site for other great GPS resources.

Here are some quick links to other areas in www.gpsy.com:

Global Positioning Systems FAQs

Global Mapping Systems is proud to sponsor the development of Internet-based Frequently Asked Question (FAQ) resources concerning the Global Positioning System. We are currently hosting the general GPS FAQ originally written by Peter Bennett and the GPS Web Resource FAQ written by Skeeter Abell-Smith. Both are now being maintained and updated by Karen Nakamura . Please send her corrections, updates, and suggestions.

We regret that we are unable to answer questions on a general basis about the Global Positioning System due to our limited staff resources although we can provide referrals to commercial consulting services. We suggest posting questions about the GPS to the newsgroup sci.geo.satellite-nav (after reading the FAQs of course :).

[Lost? Think GPSy.]

General GPS information

Japanese Pages French Pages

Satellite Tracking

The View from Space

Distance/Bearing/Great Circle Calculators

Government GPS Sites

Internet Mapping Programs

Maps on CD-ROM & Map Vendors

Airport and other Waypoint Files

GIS Mapping Programs

Image Editing Tools

Other GIS Links

Grid and Map Overlays

Differential GPS (DGPS)

GPS Resellers

We try to keep this list of vendors as up to date as possible. Please send us any additions or comments on any vendors (positive or negative) to comments@gpsy.com . We've also added our own comments on some vendors. We don't receive any "kickbacks" for our endorsements. Since we have to buy all our own GPS units on the market ourselves, we look for the same things that you do: a good range of GPS units, good prices, fast shipping, competent support, and a preference to help the "little guy out."


GPS Unit Manufacturers

GPS Antenna Manufacturers

Many GPS manufacturers also produce GPS antennas. This section lists antenna-only sites. I have personally evaluated both units and give them two thumbs up for their listed use:

Cool GPS Hacks


Variometers are flight data instruments commonly used with hang-gliders and paragliders. They provide flight data information (altitude, lift rate, etc.) combined with moving map displays when used with GPS units. They also provide the all-important flight data recording needed in contests. -- tip of the hat to Alex Curlyo

You may also want to check out the various Mac/Win/Palm/Linux based software solutions as well.

Radio Modems for GPS Use


Wiring your GPS/NMEA/Misc.

GPS and the Year 2000 Bug (Y2K)

In general, the Global Positioning System will not suffer from either the classical Y2K problem nor the oft-mentioned GPS-week rollover problem. Practically all civilian and military units in circulation will not suffer from either as well. Some of the DOD mainframe/control systems may have the Y2K problem, however the major systems should be clear by the time the problem comes around. Despite what your brother-in-law may have told you, planes will not come crashing to the ground and trains colliding when the digits come rolling around. Sorry to disappoint you.

However, some poorly written commercial PC or Macintosh GPS software may exhibit classical Y2K or GPS-week rollaround problems. Of course, GPSy is not one of them. (smile) Y2K-phobes may wish to note that NMEA-0183 suffers the classical 2-digit Y2K problem so poorly written software may cause boats to come colliding into harbors, a'la "Speed 2: Cruise Control." Sigourney Weaver and Demi Moore are clashing over movie rights as we speak.

This bibliographical list was originally written by Marc Brett (and taken off the internet) with further additions by Karen Nakamura:

[Web Access Symbol] Copyright (C) 1997-2005 by Karen Nakamura. All rights reserved. Mention of any third party product or reseller does not represent endorsement of or by that product or corporation. GPSy, GPSyLink, GPSy Pro and GPSY.COM are trademarks of Karen Nakamura. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

This page was created on October 3rd, 1996 and last updated on 3 April 2005.