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GPSy (TM) 3.0 can read and auto-calibrate topographic (digital raster graphic; DRG) maps from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) EROS data center. The maps are sold on CD-ROM and are scanned, geoadjusted, and geocalibrated versions of their paper topographic maps.
USGS DRG topo maps are available on CD-ROM for most of the continental United States from the USGS. In addition, DRGs are available for free via the internet for the Tennessee Valley Area; Pennsylvania; and Nevada. See the USGS DRG Availability page for details.
If you find a GeoTIFF encoded map that opens with "Unrecognized GeoTIFF tags", please contact technical support.
For more information on how to order USGS DRG topo maps on CD-ROM, contact the USGS EROS Data Center:
U.S. Geological Survey EROS Data Center Customer Services Sioux Falls, SD 57198 Telephone: +1 605 594-6151 Facsimile: +1 605 594-6589 E-mail: WWW: USGS DRG Home Page ( (The "Digital Raster Graphics" (DRG) CD-ROMs are the ones compatible with GPSy 3.0) Other USGS Web Sites of Interest:
GPSy Pro (TM) 3.0 will be able to read and auto-calibrate NOAA/BSB format digital nautical maps from BSB and NDI. GPSy Pro is due to ship in late 2Q98 or early 3Q98.
Copyright and Trademark Information
Copyright (C) 1998 by Karen Nakamura. All rights reserved. GPSy, GPSyLink, GPSy Pro and GPSY.COM are trademarks of Karen Nakamura. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. Mention of a third-party does not represent endorsement of or by that party.
This page was last updated on March 16th, 1998.
We've had hits since
February 4th, 1998.