August 2006 Archives

Garmin USB native support


I wanted to update people on the status of the Garmin USB closed alpha test. We're making good progress on building support for Garmin USB units. We had wanted to move into open beta by the end of the summer, but there are some issues that are coming up that we want to take care of before more public trials.

We know people are waiting with anticipation for Garmin USB support -- we should have it before soon, it's our top priority right now. So hang in there -- and THANK YOU to all of our active alpha testers for all of their hard work.

GPSy X and GPSy Pro X minor updates


GPSy X and GPSy Pro X have been updated to versions 3.40.1 and 1.20.1, respectively. The download pages are updated so you can obtain them now if you like. Here are the relevant enhancements and fixes.


- Support for horizontal and vertical scroll wheels, trackpads, etc.

Bugs Fixed

- Problem downloading waypoints from Garmin Foretrex
- Problem downloading waypoints from Garmin GPSMAP 76
- "Save Info" checkbox disabled in TFW Info Dialog
- Problems calibrating maps in some coordinate systems
- Preferences panel sometimes resets serial port setting
- Updated email contact info

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