GPSy Pro X Beta 2 has been uploaded to the registered users web site. We've managed to knock out a bunch of bugs that have been affecting users. As usual, if you encounter anything, please let us know at <beta (at) gpsy (dot) com>. Bugs fixed include:
- BSB image quality not as good as Classic GPSy when zoomed less than 100%
- Choosing "High Resolution Display Refresh" results in crash.
- Track Width/Color sub menu doesn't work.
- Overlay tracks/routes/waypoints don't display until scroll
- Right-click doesn't bring up context menu
- Bottom three sub-menus in GPSyLink menu aren't populated (The first two are fixed, the third is removed due to lack of Street Atlas.)
- Mouse cursor not changing when map window in front
- TFW, etc., files should be dimmed in File/Open dialog
- Status not shown during transferring from GPS unit