July 2005 Archives

Status of GPSy X

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I'm sure all of you are curious about the status of GPSy X since we talked about a summer release. The announcement that the Mac would transition to using Intel chips took us off guard, like many developers. It also stresses for us the importance of making sure that the OSX port is done properly.

Instead of doing a simple rebuild for OSX, we're now transferring the Metrowerks code to Apple's X-Code. This means that we should be able to run on Intel with a simple flip of the switch. We're still waiting to see how Apple will handle things like big-endian and little-endian, which GPSy relies on (there's a lot of low-level code that handles endian flipping), but we're confident that in a year we'll be running on Intel just as fast as PowerPC.

So bear with us a little bit more. The private alpha was seeded last month and we've received very good feedback from the alpha testers (thank you all of you!). We hope that the X-code port will proceed smoothly and hope to seed the new X-code alpha soon and then quickly move to a public beta and public release before the end of the summer, as scheduled.


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